Sunday, November 13, 2005

size ate

"All this not consuming is all-consuming."

That may be the best line in the terrific one-woman show "size ate." Margaux Laskey, in a very personal performance, tells her story of "one woman's journey to find the perfect fit." Using comedy, songs, monologues, and even poetry, she addresses issues of body image, labels, and self-acceptance.

I found much of the show resonated for me. I spent a lot of time nodding with familiarity. For example, when she described the type of roles she got in the high school plays as a non-thin girl (maids, mothers, etc.). I was always the cockney maid, the innkeeper's wife, the mother. I was the Wizard in the Wizard of Oz, for Godssake. She at least got to play a stripper in Gypsy; I was one of the Newsboys. Another bit that had me laughing: when she described the types of men who found her attractive at various sizes. What big girl doesn't know that the black and Latino guys are more into her than the white guys? But when she throws in the Long Island guy -- with a spot-on immitation -- I was cracking up.

Of course, the show is not all laughs. In particular, when she delves into the harrowing reminisences of her second bout with anorexia, at 23, the performance is more tragic than comic. It is, however, very compelling. It was watching this part of the show that I realized that even people who aren't nodding with recognition will appreciate the depth of her revelations and the way she communicates them.

There are only two more performances, tomorrow (Thurs) and Saturday. Go if you can.

Oh, and Margaux is a blogger too!


Blogger PTC said...

I'd have to agree with you about "Size Ate." It was a mix of emotions for me. There was laughter, joy, and of course, the relatability factor which made me not want do anything but sit still in my chair and not look at the people around me.

I thought Margaux did a great job with the show. It can't be easy to put yourself out there like that.

11:32 AM  

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